Thursday, June 01, 2006

Salary Range for Librarians

When an employer asks you, "What is your salary expectation?" how will you respond? Salary negotiation is a topic that is not taught at library school, but it is essential to have strategy for dealing with this type of question. You may even be asked this question during a conference, so keep in mind two points:

1. Avoid being specific. A good answer is one that leaves room for negotiation, so you might reply, "I think I should be paid a salary that reflects my experience and special skills..." Hopefully, you can prompt a salary range from your potential employer. If you are pressed for a more definite answer, then see strategy 2.

2. Aim high! As a recent library graduate told me, "You cannot negotiate up!" Of course, it can be difficult to know how high one should aim. Generally, you want to do research on your living expenses in relation to your new job. Also, you want to know what salary similar librarians in your area are being paid, see below.

Medical Library Association [brochure] (2005)
-Average starting salary was $40,832
-Overall average for medical librarians was $57,982

SLA Salary Survey
(2005) - Canadian respondents:

-Median 50% $60,000
-Mean $63,083

Bowker Annual Library and Book Trade Almanac (2005)
-Median $36,335 (2003)
-Average $37,975 (2003)

Job Futures (2004)
Hourly earnings by age range:
20-24: $9.12
25-54: $20.44
55+: $19.73
All: $20.15

BC Work Futures (2000)
-$36,000 to $46,500 (compares librarians, archivists, conservators, curators).

The Quiddle blog offers more general advice on the topic of salary negotiations. Leave a comment on how you have dealt with salary negotiations!

Photograph: From the Peace Tower. Image may be fuzzy because it was taken through a glass window. You can see the Centennial Flame in front.


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