Monday, June 12, 2006

A City Full of Librarians

library and archives canada My flight arrived 5 minutes early! I took the bus to the University of Ottawa residences; it is a lot cheaper than a taxi cab, and just as quick in my opinion. A taxi ride to the University of Ottawa from the airport costs about $28-35, so the 97 bus was much, much cheaper (about $2).

On the flight to Ottawa, I managed to catch the World Cup, so the flight went by quickly. The weather is fine, so I am going to tour more of Ottawa on foot, and pick up something tasty in Byward Market. For some groceries, I will head to Loeb.

By the way, if you come out to Ottawa, bring a COPPUL card with you. I was able to get a University of Ottawa library card for visitors, and it has proven useful. Bon!

A special thanks to Morisset Library for letting guests use their computers. A guest has to fill out a form every day he or she wants to access the computers, and the procedure is simple.

Photograph: Library and Archives Canada building. Even with a map, I walked by the building once. Where are the signs? Actually, there is a sign (off to the left of the photograph), but I still thought there would be more signage.


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